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演示支票支付密码实现过程 [PHP]


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银行支票支付密码是一组4*4位的十进制数,参数为设备、支票号、日期、金额生成唯一的密码,支付时只需要将支付密码核对一下即可确认是否正确。近来无 事,随意写了一个函数,当然这个算出来的密码想付钱是不可能的,哈哈,纯粹演示。结尾处还有个guid生成的函数,可以将程序改成如果无GUID自动生成 一个。

$id = ['{4F22D4F8-E600-4D15-BCAC-F987E27A4BBC}'];
$date = '2014-6-19';
$ta = [['1034890901','20000'],['1034890901','20001'],['1034890902','30000']];
foreach ($ta as $v) {
    echo general_pass($id,$date,$v[0],$v[1])."  {$date},{$v[0]},{$v[1]}".'<br>';
//echo general_pass(['{4233D4B1-3704-41BB-AC56-F6921D27C59F}'],'2014-6-19','10334890901','10000.2');
function general_pass($guid,$date,$no,$money) {
    //$guid 设备编码 $date 日期  $no 支票编号 $money 金额
    //生成密码  4组 4位十进制数字
    $gid = GUID2Value($guid);
    $md = strtotime($date);
    $yy = intval(date('Y',$md));
    $mm = intval(date('m',$md));
    $dd = intval(date('d',$md));
    $no = intval($no);
    $mo = intval(round($money,0));
    $r = array();
    $r[0] = ((($gid & 0xffffff)-($no*($yy+$mm-$dd)))*intval($mo/2))%10000;
    $r[1] = (($gid >> 2 & 0xfffffff) + $no - ($yy+($mm*$dd)) + $mo*2)%10000;
    $r[2] = (($gid >> 4 & 0xfffff) - $no - $yy - $mm*$mo + $dd)%10000;
    $r[3] = (($gid >> 3 & 0xffffff) - $no + $mo*($yy+$mm+$dd)*2) % 10000;
    foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
        $r[$k] = abs($v);
    return sprintf('%04d-%04d-%04d-%04d',$r[0],$r[1],$r[2],$r[3]);
function GUID2Value($guid) {
    $aa = array(1024,308,999,2048,10240);
    if (is_array($guid)) {
      $id = substr($guid[0],1,-1);
    if (is_string($guid)) {
        if (strpos($guid,'}')>0) {
            $id = substr($guid,1,-1);
            $id = trim($guid);
    if ($id == '') return 0;
    $fa = explode('-',$id);
    $result = 0;
    foreach ($fa as $k=>$v) {
        $t = str_split($v,4);
        $x = 0;
        foreach ($t as $m) {
            $x += hexdec($m);
        $result += $x*$aa[$k];
    $result &= 0xffffffff;
    //echo dechex($result);
    return $result;
function guid(){
 if (function_exists('com_create_guid')){
     return com_create_guid();
     mt_srand((double)microtime()*10000);//optional for php 4.2.0 and up.
     $charid = strtoupper(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)));
     $hyphen = chr(45);// "-"
     $uuid = chr(123)// "{"
             .substr($charid, 0, 8).$hyphen
             .substr($charid, 8, 4).$hyphen
             .substr($charid,12, 4).$hyphen
             .substr($charid,16, 4).$hyphen
             .chr(125);// "}"
     return $uuid;

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